Friday, July 31, 2009


I have made some shopping via internet. And in this week my packages have kept a local postman busy :) Today arrived a packet from Cotton Patch (UK). It carried a qulting hoop with a lap stand! I have'nt had my own quilting hoop since I have borrowed my friend Virpi's hoop. Now I can return it and I have to learn how to use my own hoop - how thrilling!

Do anybody have alike? I love to hear what you have liked it. And maybe you can give me some tips with it ...

The hoop was'nt the first postpackage which I got. Earlier in this week I got a package from Sweden. Lapp-Elisa is just celebrating her 8 years in business and she had a wonderful offer of AnnAka patterns in 22th of July: buy three AnnAka patterns and Elisa will choose the fourth pattern for free. I have looked up to many Norwegian quilters who have made wonderful table cloths designed by AnnAka. So I could'nt help myself to catch hold of the offer - here you see the result. And the free pattern which Lapp-Elisa chose me was Lovise's veske pattern.

Have a nice weekend!
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Dolores said...

Those are wonderful patterns. Sorry I can't help you with the lap quilt hoop. I either don't use a hoop or else I use one that is not attached to anything. That way I can move it around. My friend has one similar to yours but it is oval and sits on the floor. She is quite happy with it and has used it to make many quilts.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I like your hoop. I sometimes use one something like that but I found it more comfortable to take the hoop off of the stand for some reason I could use it better without it sitting on my lap like that. A lot of people use it as you show it though and have it sit on their lap or on a table next to them.
I am sending you an e mail in answer to your questions on hand quilting.

Anonymous said...

I love working on a lap hoop. My husband made mine. Enjoy!